ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Pre-anaestheticClinic Teaching Programme: New Methods of Teaching Pre-anaestheticCheckup for Undergraduate Students

    Kallepalli Kurmanandh, Bh. Kesava VamsiKrishna, Kota Chandrasekhar, Bhargavi Sampathirao, Neeharika Dandu, Y Chandana Rekha
    JCDR. 2023: 1516-1522


    In pre-anesthesia evaluation, many interdisciplinary fields are involved, including cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, nephrology, neurology, and pediatrics.[1]The main tasks of outpatient anaesthesia clinics are to obtain patients’ health information via various methods, determine the necessary consultation of related disciplines, formulate the relevant treatment plan around the surgical period of anesthesia, and make patients understand anesthesia work and risk.[2] Hence, study was initiated with objective to study effect of Pre anaesthetic clinic teaching programme among medical undergraduate students. Material and Methods:An educational intervention study done at Gayatri Vidya Parishad Hospitalhospital at Visakhapatnam. A total of 60 undergraduates were randomly divided into two groups: pre-anesthetic clinic new teaching group (n = 30) and traditional teaching group (n = 30). The knowledge in the pre-anesthetic evaluation on patients & subsequent plan of anesthesia were evaluated between the two groups of undergraduates. A student feedback form was used to follow up the feedback of the twogroups on the satisfaction with the curriculum design. Data was entered in MS Excel and analyzed by using SPSS software version 21. Results: The mean scores in the theory and clinical case test in pre anesthesia teaching group (45.1±4.6) were higher than those in traditional teaching group (36.2±5.3). The difference observed between two group was found to be statistically significant.(p<0.05).Conclusion: Preanesthetic clinical teaching programme can improve the quality of preanesthetic check upteaching among undergraduate medical students


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 10
