Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Pregnancy Outcomes in Patients with Bleeding Per Vagina in First Trimester: a Retrospective Observational Study
Sapna Singh, Jyoti Khatri, Astha Lalwani
JCDR. 2023: 332-338
Bleeding p/v is a threat or a warning sign for continuation of present pregnancy, which can be converted into a normal pregnancy by early detection and intervention by means of modern and sophisticated diagnostic and threatened aids. Bleeding has been related to preterm birth, low birth weight, and small for gestational age infants. Methods: All pregnant females who delivered or underwent miscarriage at Teerthankar Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre, Moradabad and had history of bleeding per vagina in first trimester of pregnancy were taken into the study after fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria. Objective was to determine pregnancy outcome in pregnancy complicated with first trimester bleeding. Results: Out of 190 subjects, maximum were from age group of 20-25 years (39%). 68% of the subjects were multigravida. Spotting and heavy bleeding was reported among 89.61% and 30.43% of the subjects in viable group and 10.39% and 69.57% in nonviable group respectively. Etiology w.r.t. nonviable pregnancy was missed abortion (69.57%), subchorionic hematoma (8.7%), complete abortion (13.04%) and IUFD (8.7%) as revealed by USG. Total 146 patients continued pregnancy beyond first trimester of which 2% patients had in 2nd trimester abortion; 13% patients had preterm labor and 5% had premature rupture of membranes. PIH was found in 6% patients. Pregnancy till term was taken in 72% cases. 36.1 % babies required NICU care whose APGAR score was less than 7. Conclusion: Bleeding per vaginum in the first trimester is a threat or warning sign for continuation of present pregnancy. It is commonly associated with obstetric complication like PROM, preterm delivery and PIH. The common fetal complication includes subchorionic hematoma and IUFD.