ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Prophylactic Use of Surfactant in Late Preterm Infants with Respiratory Distress: A Prospective Study

    Dr Alex Mani
    JCDR. 2015: 124-130


    Late preterm infants (34 to 36 weeks' gestation) are at increased risk for respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) due to their immature lungs. Surfactant replacement therapy is a well-established treatment for RDS in preterm infants. However, the use of prophylactic surfactant therapy in late preterm infants with respiratory distress remains controversial. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of prophylactic surfactant therapy in reducing the incidence and severity of RDS in late preterm infants with respiratory distress.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 6 Issue 2
