ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Retrospective analysis of Acute Coronary Syndrome profile before and after Covid-19 Pandemic Began-Single centre observational study in a tertiary care centre in Mumbai metropolitan region

    Dr. Akshat Jain, Dr. Rohit Deshpande, Dr. Kalyan Munde
    JCDR. 2023: 1044-1047


    To find if there has been any significant difference between patient profile with acute coronary syndrome with regard to diagnosis, symptoms, hospital course, outcome and prognosis between two specified time periods pre and post Covid-19 pandemic Method: Information was tabulated, compared, and inferred using proper statistical analysis in a single centre, observational, retrospective investigation using information received from medical records of patients before and after the COVID 19 pandemic as pre COVID 19 and COVID 19 groups, respectively. Result: ACS admissions decreased by 57.3% in the Covid-19 group compared to the pre-covid-19 group. The covid-19 group's mean symptom duration at presentation was 7 hours longer on averagep Value is consistently less than 0.01. Pre-COVID-19 group and COVID-19 group in-hospital mortality rates were 7.3% and 17.1%, respectively (p value 0.0014). Conclusion: Reduced exposure to air pollution, reduced occupational stress, and reduced mental effort as a result of lockdown and working from home status could all be factors in the decline in ACS instances. It draws our attention to the underlying cause(s) of underreporting or late reporting and aids in its correction, giving the benefit of early treatment to the greatest number of people and preventing both mortality and morbidity.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 10
