Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Role of CT Pulmonary Angiography in Correlation of Qanadli Obstruction Index and Atrial Size in Patients with Pulmonary Thromboembolism
Dr Trupthi Das, Dr Dhaval Kumar Solanki , Dr Jeevika Mudagol Ujjappa , Dr Kishan Ashok Bhagwat
JCDR. 2023: 576-586
Methods: The prospective study was conducted for the period of 20 months and 50 cases were included in the study. Patients from tertiary care hospitals were the main source of data for the study. Patients were selected according to inclusion criteria. After obtaining relevant clinical history and consent from the patients, they were subjected to CTPA imaging using a 50 SLICE MDCT SCANNER (REVOLUTION ACT, GE Healthcare). Reconstructed slice thickness was 1.0–2.0mm, with an increment of 0.5- 1mm. The protocol consisted of injection of intravenous contrast of 60mL of iodinated contrast material at a concentration of 300mg iodine /mL (Ultravist; Bayer AG, Berlin, Germany) at a rate of 3- 4 mL/s. All scans were obtained in a caudalâ€cranial direction at endâ€ofâ€inspiration during a single breathâ€hold. The images were then analysed through which PAOI and atrial measurements were correlated using volumetric analyses. Right and left atrial maximum dimensions of their short axis, long axis and area were obtained on axial planes. Results: 50 patients with pulmonary thromboembolism were enrolled in our study. In this study, 40% of the cases were aged more than 50 years with 66.0% males of the cases. About 70.0% of the cases had no comorbidities, 16.0% had diabetes mellitus and 6.0% had diabetes mellitus with hypertension. The correlation coefficient between short axis Right Atrium (RA) diameter and Qanadli obstruction index (QOI) was 0.616 which was statistically significant. The correlation coefficient between the short axis Left Atrium diameter and QOI was -0.517 which was also statistically significant. Conclusion: Acute cor pulmonale which is right heart failure caused by increase in pulmonary pressure is related to the clot burden. In our study, there was a negative correlation between left atrial and ventricular dimensions, left atrial / right atrial area, left atrial / right atrial short axis and left atrial / right atrial long axis with the PAOI. There was also a significant positive correlation between right atrial and ventricular dimensions, RA area, PA/ Aorta and RV/LV ratio.