ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Role of isometric training with theraband in chronic neck pain

    Dr. Rinku Choudhary, Dr. Jafar Khan, Dr. Renuka pal, Dr. Shilpi kapoor
    JCDR. 2024: 893 -897


    Neck pain is very common these days as lifestyle changes from active to sedentary. Occupational changes such as increase in IT sector jobs have been skyrocketed as technology enters into every sector. People mostly are into desk jobs working on pc, laptops etc. and bowed down for long hours which caused short and tight neck muscles. The incidence of neck pain is drastically increased to about 71%. Despite following ergonomic measures and various to cope up with disability no criteria has been decided for neck pain. Many conservative measures has been developed in recent advancement out of which isometric training is commonly compiled with mostly every method and past studies demonstrated the efficacy of isometric exercise in reducing pain and disability. Through this study we will focus on increasing efficacy and accuracy of isometric exercises with compiling it with theraband.



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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 15 Issue 8
