ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Rubber band ligation for internal haemorrhoids: A safe and successful outpatient procedure

    Dr. Naresh Pal, Dr. Mahipal, Dr. Ritesh Kumar, Dr. Vikash, Poonam Devi
    JCDR. 2023: 3346-3355


    Haemorrhoids are cushions of submucosal tissues containing venules, arterioles and smooth muscle fibres that are located in the anal canal. The incidence of haemorrhoids in the United States is 10 million per year, corresponding to 4.4% of the population. Both genders have peak prevalence in the age group 45 to 65 years. Notably, Caucasians are affected more frequently than African Americans, and higher socioeconomic status is associated with increased prevalence Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of rubber band ligation for internal hemorrhoids as outpatient treatment- a. To evaluate the success/failure of the rubber band ligation in grade-II hemorrhoids. b. To analyze complications due to rubber band ligation. Material and Methods: The present prospective interventional study was conducted in the Department of General Surgery, Pt. B. D. Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak. In this study 80 patients of both sex who underwent rubber band ligation for hemorrhoids were included. The study was approved by the ethical committee of our hospital and informed consent was taken from the patients. Results and Observations: Total 80 patients were taken into study out of which 69 (86.2%) were male and 11 (13.8%) were female. 69 (86.2%) were male and 11 (13.8%) were female Age patients in the age group of 18-30 and 61-70, each had 21.2% of patients while it was 18.8% in 41-50 age group, in age group 31-40 and 41-60 had 15% of patients, 81-90 age group had 6.2% of patients while least number of patients that is 2.5% in age group 71-80. The mean age was 49.04 ± 17.86 years. The variable Age (Years) was not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk Test: p = 0.033). The mean (SD) of Age (Years) was 49.04 (17.86). The median (IQR) of Age (Years) was 48.50 (35-64). The Age (Years) ranged from 19 – 87. Conclusion: Haemorrhoidal disease patients are bread and butter of surgical outpatient department. This disease significantly compromises patients’ quality of life and day to day work. There are various methods of treatment of this ailment is available in which Rubber band ligation is much safer. Rubber band ligation doesn’t require hospitalization and much of the investigations. It is a cost-effective method and a better option of treatment as majority of patients were relieved of symptoms by the technique.


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    Volume 14 Issue 1
