ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Smart Vehicle Parking System Using IOT

    Lingaswamy Vuyyala, Kalyan Kumar Reddy Geereddy
    JCDR. 2021: 2648-2654


    Car parking is a major issue in many malls and cities. Efficient and smart way to automate the management of the parking system that allocates an efficient parking space using internet of things technology. To avoid that problem, we developed a project on smart parking system User can find the slot availability, we use IR sensor to find the parking slot on the vacancy position. The project aims at designing an advanced smart parking system. In this system we use IR obstacle sensors as vehicle presence detection and these sensors are connected to Arduino Microcontroller. All 3 IR sensors detect the 3 parking positions corresponding dzta will be post on LCD. Entry IR Sensor used to control dc motor to access the vehicle into parking area for security purpose. Microcontroller sends the status of all IR sensors to LCD modules to display the available slots as well as telnet IOT server. Microcontroller reads the data display over LCD this will reduce waiting time at parking area and by this system we can effectively use parking zone smartly. This proposed system implemented using embedded ‘C’ programming language.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 12 Issue 7
