ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Social Impact of Mobile Phone Usage Among Old Age People: A Qualitative Perspective

    Aanchal Sharma
    JCDR. 2021: 2498-2501


    More people are using technology as they age than ever before. Older adults can live comfortably for longer thanks to new technology. The current issues with its complicated functions and layouts of interfaces have discouraged a few older users away from using the device, despite the value of mobile phones, particularly for older people. By analyzing the use of mobile phones among elderly persons, the authors hoped to investigate exposure to the actual technological demands of those individuals. The advantages of interviewing in research involving human-computer interaction (HCI) have been the subject of several studies, but little is known about the use of preparation interviews while working with an elderly population. The primary focus of this paper's discussion on elders using mobile phones was on the most effective ways to gather data. There are several challenges with traditional methods when senior persons are included. This was because, in comparison to other groups, older persons had a more diverse spectrum of traits and limitations. To gather user requirements for mobile phones and older persons, it seems that more strategies should be modified and applied. An assessment of current approaches concerning older people is required


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 12 Issue 4
