Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Study of clinical profile and risk factors in Lacunar stroke patients of tertiary care hospital
Dr Rashmi Vanjari, Dr Shrikant Page, Dr. Harshvardhan Joshi
JCDR. 2023: 2118-2124
After ischemic heart disease, stroke remains the second leading cause of death worldwide. Lacunar infarcts are small deep infarcts resulting from occlusion of a penetrating artery which is responsible for most of the ischemic strokes. Occasionally, cortical infarcts and intracranial haemorrhages can mimic lacunar infarcts, but true cortical infarct signs are always absent in lacunar strokes. Methodology- The study was conducted on 38 patients diagnosed with lacunar stroke, admitted in medical ward and ICU of tertiary care hospital. Duration of the study was from January 2022 to December 2022. A predesigned and pretested case record form was used as a tool for data collection. Medical history, past history, presenting complaints, risk factors followed by general examination and systemic examination. Results- Most common risk factor for lacunar stroke among study subjects was Hypertension contributing 25(65.78%) followed by Smoking 19(50%), Obesity 17(44.73%), Physical Inactivity 16(42.10%), Alcohol consumption 16(42.10%), Diabetes Mellitus 14(36.84%), Dyslipedemia 13(34.21%), Prior TIA or stroke 12(31.57%) and known Ischemic heart disease in 5(13.15%) cases respectively. Conclusion- The alarming lacunar stroke can be prevented by controlling or avoiding these modifiable risk factor.