Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Study of Electrocution Deaths in Chengalpattu During 2020-2022, A Retrospective Study
N. Karthikeyan, V. Suresh kumar, K. Vivek, R. Ravi Pradap Singh
JCDR. 2023: 1719-1725
Electrical Fatality is not Uncommon in Low voltage and High voltage despite rapid advances in its Transmission and usage. It is essential to understand the Injuries and the manner of Death in all Electric Fatalities. Aims & Objectives: To Understand the Manner of Death, Pattern of injuries, Site of Injuries and Cause of Death in Fatal Electrocution, retrospectively in Chengalpattu region. This retrospective study was conducted in the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of government Chengalpattu medical college & hospital, Chengalpattu, Tamilnadu, India. Total 3886 autopsies were conducted from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022. Materials and Methods: All the cases Electrical Fatalities Referred by the Police for Autopsies were Analyzed & Examined. Results: Electric Fatalities Contributed to 1.5% of the Autopsies. Major Age Group Affected was 21-40 years in 75% of cases. Males to Females Ratio 8.1:1. Accidental Deaths were the Major Number of Fatalities in 96.6% of cases. Low Voltage Electrical Current contributed to 81.3% of Fatalities. Right Hand was involved in contact injury in 64.4% of Deaths and in 13.5% of Fatal Electrocution No Contact or Exit Injuries were Present.