Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Study of prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV coinfection at a tertiary care hospital
Khushboo Nilesh Chaudhari, Smita Sahebrao Mundhe
JCDR. 2023: 288-292
While HIV and TB can individually be the major causes for public health threats, the combination of the two has proven to have a far greater impact on the epidemiologic progression and consequently on the global health scene. Present study was aimed to study the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV coinfection at a tertiary care hospital. Material and Methods: Present study was cross-sectional, observational study, patients with TB registered for DOTS treatment under RNTCP, who have completed two months of DOTS therapy underwent HIV testing after proper counselling and reporting was done as per NACO guidelines only. Results: In present study, among 1354 patients were taking AKT from DOTS cum Designated Microscopy Centers, we observed 3.1 % prevalence of HIV seropositivity among total study population (n=42). Mean age of patients was 51.34 ± 11.92 years, majority were from 40-49 year sage group (35.71 %) followed by 60-69 years age group (23.81 %). Male to female ratio was 2.9:1. In HIV seropositive patients, 85.71 % patients had Pulmonary tuberculosis while extra pulmonary tuberculosis was noted in 14.29 % patients. Lymphadenopathy (7.14 %) was most common presentations of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in study patients. Cough (90.48 %), Weight loss (78.57 %), Fever (76.19 %) & loss of appetite (64.29%) were common symptoms noted in study population. CD4 count among HIV/TB co-infected individuals was < 200, 200-349, 350-500 & >500 in 15 (35.71 %), 11 (26.19 %), 7 (16.67 %) & 9 (21.43 %) patients respectively. Conclusion: HIV promotes the progression of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis to active TB, both in people with recently acquired infections and those with latent infections