ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    Temporalis fascia graft medial to malleus and lateral to malleus by otoendoscopy: Graft uptake

    1Dr. Ranjana D Telkar, 2Dr. Waseema Unnisa, 3Dr. Morla Thanuswi, 4Dr. Katika Soujanya, 5Dr. Kummari Poojitha, 6Dr.Karthik K, 7Dr. Harkawal Kaur Khanuja
    JCDR. 2023: 1022-1024


    A variety of underlying pathologies can cause chronic otitis media (COM) including an episode of acute otitis media that results in perforation of the ear drum and does not settle for 3 months; a recurrent episode of acute otitis media in an ear with a perforation from a previous episode of acute otitis media; or an ear with a persistent perforation with active chronic otitis media with metaplastic changes to the mucosa of the middle ear and mastoid air cell system. Patients with COM mucosal who presented to ENT OPD, hospital who satisfy the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study. Detailed history, general and ENT examination was done including otoendoscopy and tuning fork tests. Each patient underwent routine blood investigation and pure tone audiometry (PTA). There were 2 (12%) graft rejection in medial group and 1 (7.69%) graft rejection in lateral group. Graft was in situ in 88% in medial group and 92.31%in lateral group


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 10
