ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    The Effect Of Post-Stroke Aphasic Syndromes In Quality Of Life Of Hindi Speaking Peoples

    Dr. Lalan Pratap Singh , Dr Anubhav Gupta ,Dr Ankit Anoop Maravi ,Dr Sarita Singh, Dr Badri Vishal Singh
    JCDR. 2023: 1579-1586


    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact type of aphasia onquality of life in patients after one year of onset of first-ever stroke. Material & methods: 33 patients with post stroke aphasia who were attending medicine out door and neurology outdoor clinic, admitted in wards of MY HOSPITAL and Patient being recalled from data base in neurology department of MY Hospital Indore. All assessment will be done in 2-3 session, by using HASIT (Hindi Aphasia Screening Indore Test) for presence and absence of aphasia.We used SAQOL-39 scale in the poststroke aphasia in the Hindi speaking for assessment of quality of life. Result: SAQOL-39 is reliable and valid measure of the quality of life in people with aphasia. We found that SAQOL-39 have high internal consistency and high correlation’s coefficient in HINDI speaking patient. We also found that patients with post stroke aphasia generally reduced mean of all domains of quality of life. The average value of physical domain is 64.30 points out of the maximum 85, psychosocial domain is 35.48 points out of the maximum 45, communication domain is 22.54 points out of maximum 34, energy domain was 16.12 points out of the maximum quality of life had not statistically significantly correlated with type of aphasia. Conclusions: Our results also showed subjects with different type of aphasic syndrome differed in the results achieved in all area which tested for the quality of life, as well as in the overall quality of life. We found that Type of aphasic syndrome was significantly correlated with communication domain of quality of life, but not other domain of quality of life



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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 3

