Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
To assess the diagnostic accuracy by using B-mode morphology in differentiating benign and malignant ovarian lesions
Dr. Anusha Pandey Dr. Ramawatar Bharati Dr. Preeti Sharma
JCDR. 2023: 299-303
The aim of this study is to assess the diagnostic accuracy by using B-mode morphology in differentiating benign and malignant ovarian lesions. Criterion for patient exclusion from the study (after ultrasound and Doppler scanning) includes: Patients with pelvic mass that were determined to arise from uterus intraoperatively or on histopathology report, patients who did not undergo fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) or histopathology (HPE) or those were lost or follow-up. Patients with ectopic pregnancy were also excluded from the study. Result: Majority of the malignant lesions were in the age group of 6th to 7th decade. Flow on Colour Doppler was present in 76 masses. No flow on colour Doppler was seen in 24 ovarian masses. By using B-mode morphological scoring system 28 lesions were categorized as benign (Score < 2). Using morphology scoring system 12 lesion were categorized as equivocal (Score 3-4). 60 lesions were categorized as malignant by using the morphological scoring system (Score > 5). Conclusion: Hundred cases of masses of ovarian origin were evaluated using B-mode morphological scoring system, colour and Pulsed Doppler. Using B-mode morphological system the ovarian lesions was characterized as benign (score < 2), equivocal (Score 3-4) and suspicious (Score > 5). Most of the masses appeared to be mixed (cystic-solid) or multilocular. A small portion of the masses were solid which overwhelmingly favoured malignancy.