Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
To assess the status of cervical lymph nodes by Multislice CECT and Doppler USG in patients With Thyroid carcinoma
Dr Brahmanand Lal Dr. Rakhee Sharma Dr. AK Kakkar
JCDR. 2023: 1617-1621
The aim of present study is to assess the status of cervical lymph nodes by Multislice CECT and Doppler USG in patients With Thyroid carcinoma. All patients underwent total thyroidectomy and neck dissection. The neck dissection sample was labeled separately according to the cervical levels II–VI. Lateral compartment neck dissection (levels II–V) was performed in 14 of 20 patients with at least one lymph node metastasis in the neck from level II to level V. Six of twenty patients underwent central compartment neck dissection including level VI or VI and VII after cytological confirmation of the benign status of any suspicious lymph node on either side of the lateral neck, as determined by preoperative CT or USG.