ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    To compare the accuracy of placenta previa using placenta previa with adherent placenta score & placenta accreta index scores.

    Dr. Jhalak Agrawal & Dr. Shabana Sultan
    JCDR. 2023: 598-603


    Background & Method: The aim of this study is to compare the accuracy of placenta previa using placenta previa with adherent placenta score & placenta accreta index scores. All patients attending outdoor & indoor, diagnosed as placenta previa, was included in the study after informed consent. Demographic profile, detailed history & examination was noted in a preformed performa. Ultrasound (obstetric Doppler) was done & Placenta previa with adherent placenta & Placenta accreta index scores was calculated for each patient. For patients who require immediate intervention, the most recent third-trimester USG was considered for the same. Result: The study shows that uterine contraction is rarely seen in patients with placenta previa: 4(3.2%) and is standard in patients with abruption placentae. Amount of bleeding is absent in 30(24.3%), mild 46 (37.3%), moderate 37 (30.1%) and severe 10 (8.3%).The bleeding in placenta previa is unpredictable, unprovoked and painless as it is due to the shearing force of the placenta at the lower end because of lower segment formation during the third trimester when the patient is not having contractions. Conclusion: Among pregnant women, the risk for placenta previa in a subsequent pregnancy is in cases with a history of instrumentation, previous caesarean sections, and infertility treatment. We aimed to find a better score, which could be used for the predictability of adherent placenta in future. Women with a history of previous caesarean section, instrumentation, treatment for infertility and multiparity are at risk of failure of normal decidualization at the site of the uterine scar, which leads to abnormally deep trophoblast infiltration. Patients with such a history should be given special attention. First-trimester sonography is done to rule out scar ectopic. Once scar ectopic or placenta previa is diagnosed in pregnant women, the treatment choice must consider the gestational age and risk of maternal and fetal complications. Routine and early sonography-based diagnosis could help minimize morbidity and mortality related to placenta previa. Placenta accreta spectrum presents unique challenges in pregnant patients



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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 5

