Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
To compare the efficacy and safety of intravaginal misoprostol, intracervical dinoprostone and transcervical foley’s catheter for induction of Labour
Vimarshitha P, Gopalkrishna B Huilgol
JCDR. 2023: 1436-1444
The labour induction involves the initiation of nonspontaneous contractions of the uterus prior to spontaneous onset leading to progressive effacement and dilation of the cervix and delivery of the baby. Labour is commonly induced in case of post-term pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, premature rupture of membranes etc. Induction is indicated in situations where pregnancy continuation is dangerous to the life of the pregnant women or well-being of the mother or the fetus. The aim of labour induction is to complete the process of labour within defined time frame in good condition and minimum discomfort and complications to the pregnant women. Objective: 1. To compare the efficacy of intravaginal misoprostol, intracervical dinoprostone and Foley’s catheter for induction of labour in terms of induction-delivery interval, oxytocin augmentation and mode of delivery. 2. To compare the neonatal outcome in terms of APGAR score. METHODS: Prospective study was conducted on 180 pregnant women at Vani Vilas Hospital and Bowring & Lady Curzon Hospital, BMCRI, Bangalore after taking full informed consent. They were randomly assigned into 3 groups: Group 1: Intravaginal misoprostol. Group 2: Intracervical dinoprostone. Group 3: Transcervical Foley’s catheter. Each group containing 60 pregnant women. Results: The mean (± SD) induction delivery interval was 11.50±2.19 hours in misoprostol group and 13.92±1.80 hours in dinoprostone group and 12.18±1.53 in foley’s group. About 76.7% of misoprostol group, 68.3% of dinoprostone group and 83.3% of foley’s group delivered vaginally. About 16.7% of misoprostol group, 10% of dinoprostone group and 6.7% of foley’s group had NICU admission. Conclusion: This study shows that induction delivery interval was less, rate of caesarean section was less and number of NICU admission was less with foley’s group. Hence transcervical Foley’s catheter can be used to achieve effective and safe induction of labour. The sample size is small and hence the results cannot be generalized.