Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
To compare the functional outcome of patient treated with flexible intramedullary nailing and hip spica cast
Dr. Akash Jamra Dr. Prant Gupta Dr. Abhishek Chaturvedi
JCDR. 2023: 1424-1429
The aim of present study is to compare the functional outcome of patient treated with flexible intramedullary nailing and hip spica cast. Intervention was done as per availability of operation theatre as soon as possible. After pre-anaesthetic workup patients those selected for flexible nailing were shifted to OT. After proper effect of anaesthesia, patient was transferred to traction table, then parts preparation, cleaning, painting and draping was done. Then reduction was achieved under C-arm guidance and two flexible nail were passed in retrograde manner. I/V antibiotic were given for 3 days. Result: Range of Motion (Knee Joint - Flexion) in HIP Spica Cast group was 93.50±9.33, while in the Titanium Elastic Nail System (TENS) group it was 105±7.60. Range of Motion (Hip - Flexion) in HIP Spica Cast group was 95.75±9.63, while in the Titanium Elastic Nail System (TENS) group it was 104.25±8.15. The difference in mean knee joint and hip flexion at 3 months was significant (P<0.05) was found to be better in Titanium Elastic Nail System (TENS) group in comparison to HIP Spica Cast group. Conclusion: Based on our experience and result, elastic intramedullary nailing is simple, easy, effective method in treatment of managing pediatric diaphyseal femur fracture in children age group 4-10 years as compared to hip spica cast with shorter operative time, short hospital stay, reasonable time for fracture healing, early mobilistion making it ideal treatment of choice in pediatric diaphyseal femur fracture. Patient felt much comfortable after TENS application as compared to hip spica application. Parents of children treated with TENS were observed to be happier than other group. Problem relating to micturition and defecation in TENS group were less than hip spica treatment.