Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
To describe typical sonographic appearance of lesion in wrist pain patient and detect pathology that are not possible with wrist x ray
Dr. Chandrasen Dayma Dr. Khan Mohammad Faraz Mohammad Farid Khan Dr. Shaniya Mirza Dr. Benazeer Khan
JCDR. 2023: 1592-1597
The aim of present study is to describe typical sonographic appearance of lesion in wrist pain patient and detect pathology possible with wrist x ray. All patients with wrist joint pain examined by the orthopedic opd & ipd and referred to the dept. of radio-diagnosis. A pre-informed written consent is taken from the patient, which is attached to a questionnaire which include the patient’s history, general physical examination and detailed wrist joint examination. Result: Cross sectional statistical analysis of X -ray findings of study subjects based on numbers and percentages, reveal that 91% of subjects had normal findings and rest 9% had abnormal findings. Cross sectional statistical analysis of ultrasound findings tendons of study subjects based on numbers and percentages, reveal that 27subjects had abnormal findings, among which 12 subjects had De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, 7 subjects had flexor tenosynovitis, 8 subjects had extensor tenosynovitis. Conclusion: 100 Patients with wrist pain, associated symptoms include swelling 31 (31%), numbness 4 (4%), restriction of movements 3(3%). In 100 patients, 48 /100 (48%) had pain of more than 3 month duration. 100 patients with wrist pain, associated symptoms include swelling 31 (31%), numbness 4 (4%), restriction of movements 3(3%). In 100 patients, 48 /100 (48%) had pain of more than 3 month duration. The commonest pathology causing wrist pain is focal cystic masses which can be simple or infected followed by tendon pathologies like tenosynovitis commonly De Quervain’s tenosynovitis.