ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    To Evaluate Morphology Using Various Parameters in Human Mandibles

    Pooja Kumari Verma, Dr.Pawan Kumar Mahato, Dr. Dileep kumar Padmakaran
    JCDR. 2024: 126-131


    Non-metric methods are used to differentiate sex, age, and race with the help of the mandible in cases of aircraft crashes, warfare, and earthquakes. The earliest approach in forensic cases of sex determination is the examination of bone morphology. Aim: To evaluate the mandibular morphology using various parameters. Materials and methods: The present study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. This study was an observational study. This study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, Index Medical College, Malwanchal University. Results: The most common lingula was triangular (48%). Males were more likely to have this condition (36%). The Truncated type (10%) was the least common. Triangular ligulae were discovered bilaterally in 132 mandibles, unilaterally in 29 bones on the right side, and in 27 bones on the left side. Only 14 mandibles on both sides and 15 bones on the right and left sides were truncated. The most common type of genial tubercle was Type II (49%), whereas the least common type was Type IV (3%). Conclusion: This study examined several qualitative and non-metrical features of the mandible. Mandible sexing makes effective use of the lingula, a sexually dimorphic feature of the mandible. The form of the male mandible is typically triangular. The triangular process accounts for the vast majority of coronoid processes. In order to accurately identify racial differences, a large number of bones should have their genial tubercle patterns carefully analyzed.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 15 Issue 1
