ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    To recognize and clinically correlate various microscopic findings with complaints in different forms of vaginitis

    Dr. Sakshi Chaurasia, Dr. Sakshi Chaurasia, Dr. Shraddha Saxena, Dr. Sadhna Yadav, Dr. Kshama Vishwakarma
    JCDR. 2023: 4050-4052


    The aim of the study is to recognize and clinically correlate various microscopic findings with complaints in different forms of vaginitis. All the cell samples was be collected using an Ayre’s spatula from the inner wall of the cervix and was be stained by PAP stain and the wet mount preparation was also be made and studied under the microscope. Result: The order of correlation in the form of percentage, between the clinical manifestation in the cases of T.V. were found to be 100% for the complaint of vaginal discharge, 91.66% for the presence of pain, 25% for odour and 16.66% for itching. Conclusion: The study shows that marital status and socio-economic status also attribute to different types of vaginitis, but no. of sexual partners doesn’t seem to play a pivotal role in the causation. When the microscopy was taken into account, Majority of the cases showed leucocytes and clue cells on wet mount and showed positivity for gram stain signifying presence of gram positive bacteria’s



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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 1

