ISSN 0975-3583

Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research

    To study knowledge, attitude and practices of mothers about acute respiratory tract infections in children of age under five years

    Neeraj Sehgal, Neha Maurya, Manmeet Kaur Sodhi, Jasmeet Singh
    JCDR. 2023: 451-457


    To study knowledge, attitude and practices of mothers about acute respiratory tract infections in children of age under five years. Methods: 250 mothers of children of under- five years of age, having acute respiratory tract infection who visited in OPD were included in study. Detail questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of study. The first part of the Performa includes social demographic profile of family and second part includes the various questions related to ARI and pneumonia. For the purpose of study ARI were classified into acute upper respiratory tract infection and lower respiratory tract infections. Dangerous symptoms perceived by mother in case of pneumonia were recorded separately. After explaining purpose of study to mother, consent of mother for participation in study is taken. The data was compiled and analyzed using Epi Info 07 (CDC, USA). Proportions and means were calculated for categorical data and continuous data respectively. Chi square test was applied to assess the significant differences across categories. Results & Conclusion: Out of 250 mothers of children under 5 years of age, having acute respiratory tract infections who visited OPD, 170(68%) were male children and 80(32%) were female child. Various signs and symptoms known by the mothers were as follows: fever 206(82%), cough 220(88%), cold 224(89%), rapid breathing 137(54.8%), Chest indrawing 166(66.4%), refusal to feed 122(49%) and few signs and symptoms which were known by very few mothers includes convulsion 6(2.4%) etc. Educational status plays an important role in present study to differentiate between AURI And ALRI. The educational status was found to be significantly associated (p<0.05) with knowledge to differentiate between AURI and ALRI


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 14 Issue 3
