Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
To Study The Effect Of Magnesium Sulfate With Propofol Induction Of Anaesthesia On Succinylcholine-Induced Fasciculations And Myalgia
Rachna Verma, Hina Yadav, Sqn Ldr (Dr.) Sravan Reddy, Deepak Kumar, Wg Cdr (Dr.) Muzammil, Deepak Shukla, Sanni Deyol Gautam
JCDR. 2024: 712-719
BACKGROUND: Succinylcholine is a commonly used muscle relaxant in anaesthesia that is associated with significant side effects, including muscle fasciculations and postoperative myalgia. Succinylcholine is used to facilitate tracheal intubation, especially in emergency situations when the risk of aspiration of gastric contents is present. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: This research paper investigates the effect of administering magnesium sulfate in conjunction with propofol induction on succinylcholine-induced fasciculations and myalgia. MATERIAL & METHODS: A total of 80 adult patients scheduled for elective surgery under general anaesthesia were divided into two groups (group I and II). The group I patients were treated with magnesium sulphate (40 mg/kg weight) in 10 ml volume while Group II patients were pretreated with normal saline (0.9% in 10 ml volume). They were given slowly intravenously over a period of 10 mim. Then Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 1.5 mcg/kg and propofol 2 mg/kg, followed by administration of succinylcholine 2 mg/kg intravenously. Muscle fasciculation and Myalgia were observed after 24 hours of surgery. They were graded as nil, mild, moderate and severe.